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9 Ways to Become a Better Facebook Community Manager | Social Media Examiner

April 19, 2013

Here are 9 tips you need to create a thriving Facebook community and improve your Facebook marketing.

Excerpted from article:

” #1: Know Your Voice.
Branding is important on social media. Your company should have a “voice” that matches your brand and your company philosophy.
If you are a one-person operation, these decisions may be easy. But if you have multiple employees and possibly multiple people posting to the Facebook Page, you want to have the “voice of the company” communicated clearly to the people who will be managing your Facebook Page.

#2: Have Access to Visuals.
Even if your business isn’t visual, make a plan for how you will add images to your posts. You can use things like:
– A screenshot of something you’re demonstrating
– An interesting photo with a quote about your niche
– An infographic with statistics about your niche
– Behind-the-scenes photos from your company events.

#3: Know the Rules.
As a community manager, make sure you know Facebook’s policies. Pages can be shut down without warning for violating these policies. Usually it’s very difficult to get your Page restored.

#4: Know the Industry.
If you are managing a Page for someone else, you need to know the industry so you can speak the lingo.

#5: Recognize Members.
A community manager needs to recognize contributors and members and get to know them. If you have a physical location, you can take pictures of your community members and recognize them on your Facebook Page.

#6: Answer Questions Quickly.
Promptly respond to posts or questions on your Page to create strong bonds with your community. Even if you don’t know the answer, let them know that you will get back to them. Or point them to a useful resource is another good option.

#7: Stay on Top of Changes.
Facebook changes a lot! There are changes to their official policies and in how things are working at any given moment. Make sure you keep track of Facebook’s official changes by following the Newsroom and the Facebook Marketing Page.

#8: Respond Calmly to Negative Posts.
If you get some angry posts for whatever reason on your Page, think before you fire off an angry response. Respond quickly (even if it’s to say we’ll get back to you), but don’t respond in the heat of the moment when you might feel like “telling them off.”

#9: Have Fun.
Find some ways to have fun with your community. Have a Facebook “live Q&A chat” time, do a Livestream or even (gasp) go over to a Google+ Hangout…”

Read full original article here:


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